Pricing Diagnostic

About The Service

Many times, companies that we work with aren't yet ready for a full revamp. They know that pricing may be off but where exactly are the opportunity areas? Is it in discounting? price points? is the pricing metric well selected? how are the packages really performing?

We help establish this baseline of pricing performance and identification of low hanging opportunity areas in our Pricing Diagnostic engagement. We comb through your usage, sales and financial data. We integrate diverse stakeholder views. We conduct pricing design workshops. Finally, we deliver to you a pricing diagnostic report that tell you exactly where to put effort in change/improvement.

What’s Include In The Services?

1. Empirical Data Analysis
  • Detailed analysis of your customer, usage and financial data.
  • Understanding the $/unit metric performance across segments, geos, products, packages to drill into pricing performance.
  • Understanding drivers of discounting and reasons behind them.

2. Stakeholder Interviews
  • Interviews with sellers, sales leadership and executive leaders on pricing performance feedback.
  • Executive interviews to understand segmentation and company goals.

4. Price Model Review
  • An understanding of your current pricing model and how it is operationalized with your GTM team.

5. Workshops
  • Designing new pricing metric or packaging options if the data supports iteration or revamp.

6. Diganostic Report
  • We deliver a pricing diagnostic report that highlights all areas of opportunity as well as specific targeted suggestions on how to take action, including new pricing and packaging hypotheses.


Frequently Asked Questions

Man and woman discussing with each other


Other consultants sound the same, how are you different?


How do you identify the willingness to pay for B2B SaaS products?


What is the future of SaaS Pricing?


How do you monitor packaging performance?


Tell me more about your experience.


Should we split test our pricing?


What is the role of competition in pricing?


How can businesses get started with optimizing their SaaS pricing?